
What is Daily Bulletin?

Daily Bulletin is a project. Of course it is.

The project of Daily Bulletin aims to create Daily Bulletins. Daily Bulletins are bulletin boards for students and staffs of YK Pao School. They are delivered by email every school day. They contain important information like itineraries and notices, creative ideas like inspirations, and of course, more delicious parts like the menu.

Long History Short

Daily Bulletins existed long before the Daily Bulletin project. At least, they have already been present in YK Pao School since the editor-in-chief of the project of Daily Bulletin joins the school in September, 2022. An abundance of intern staffs means that the school has plenty of cheap labor to complete petty tasks like creating Daily Bulletins. And so there were Daily Bulletins, powered by our dear intern staff.

They left at the end of the school year. In September 2023, the school finds itself out of cheap labor, and we find ourselves out of Daily Bulletins. Daily Bulletins are replaced by The Week Aheads, or weekly updates of news and notices from a PowerPoint link.

We, the Daily Bulletin, have brought the Daily Bulletins back to the school through our project that started since late September, 2023. It is a gradual process with countless attempts of improvements. Learn more on the Change Logs page.

Why It's Necessary

Though considered inconsequential by many, Daily Bulletins have been useful. Direct, daily delivery to email inboxes is simply too convenient for most students compared to a boring PowerPoint link that takes forever to load. So we decided it would be a good idea to bring Daily Bulletins back with the Daily Bulletin project.

How Did We Do It?

We use capital to replace labor. Python codes generate repetitive contents on the Bulletins for us; we only have to fill the more creative parts. In short, it is semi-automatic, and it is becoming increasingly automatic.

Of course, we cannot live without the help of our dear students and staff. Learn more on the Attributions page.