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Exam Reminders 考试计划
Day | Y10 | Y12 |
Wed | Global Perspectives P1 | History P3 |
English Lang P1 English B P1 |
Chemistry P1 & P3 | |
Thu | Additional Maths P1 | Chemistry P2 |
— | English Lit P1 English Lang P1 English B P1 & P2 Reading |
Fri | History P1 | English Lit P2 English Lang P2 English B P2 Listening |
English Lang P2 | Geography P1 Psychology P1 |
+ |
Disclaimer: We fetch our information from the official IGCSE and IB timetables. We do not guarantee that the information here is correct. Please consult your teacher if you are unsure. If you discover any errors, please fill this form.
声明:我们主要从 IGCSE 和 IB 的官方时间表获得上述考试信息。我们不保证此处展示的信息的准确性。如果您不确定,请咨询您的老师。如果您发现了任何问题,请填写这个问卷。
Community Time 午休时间
Day | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12 |
Wed | Pomodoro Challenge | Exams | Pomodoro Challenge | Exams |
Thu | Tutor Time | Tutor Time | ||
+ |
Important Events 重要事件
Day | Events |
Wed | 人文社科大讲堂:走进三星堆 (Auditorium) |
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Fetched from Songjiang Student Calendar.
Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴
Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Morning Snack | ||||
Wed | Dried Plum Vegetable Pancake 梅干菜饼 |
Steamed Twisted Roll with Scallions / Shandong Pancake 葱油花卷 / 山东煎饼 |
Steamed Egg 蒸鸡蛋 |
Roasted Mushroom 烤香菇 |
Benedict Egg & Hollandaise Sauce 班尼迪克蛋配培根菠菜 & 荷兰酱 |
Potato Wedge 烤薯角 |
Celery and Pork Dumplings 芹菜猪肉饺子 |
Chocolate Bread 巧克力面包 |
Thu | Steamed Meat Dumplings 小笼包 |
Sausage and Vegetable Burritos 手工火腿蔬菜卷饼 |
Fried Egg 外婆菜炒鸡蛋 |
Mixed Beans 烩混合豆 |
Shakshuka 北非蛋 |
Prague style ham 布拉格风味火腿 |
Stir-Fried Rice with Shredded Chicken in Soy Sauce 酱油鸡丝炒饭 |
Plain Muffin 原味麦芬 |
Fri | Shanghai Fried Dumplings 手指锅贴 |
Rice Cake / Rice Roll 松糕 / 粢饭团 |
Tea Egg 茶叶蛋 |
Baked Tomato 焗番茄 |
Baked Eggs with Cheese Shrimp on Toast 芝士虾仁吐司烘蛋 |
Baked Beans 茄汁焗豆 |
Pork and Preserved Vegetable Noodles 雪菜肉丝面 |
Shaomai 烧麦 |
+ |
Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Piccola Italia | Vegetarian | Afternoon Snack | ||
Wed | Steamed Fish with Black Bean 豆豉三丝蒸鱼块 |
Yuxiang Flavor Eggplant with Shredded Pork 鱼香茄子配猪肉 |
Turkish Roast Lamb 土耳其烤羊肉 |
Provence Stew 普罗旺斯炖菜 |
Spiced Chicken Leg Noodles 五香鸡腿面 / 番茄炒鸡蛋 / 青菜 |
Tomato Shrimps Vegetable Pasta 番茄虾仁蔬菜意面 |
Vegetarian Dumplings 素饺子 |
Roasted Bread with Ham and Cheese 火腿芝士三明治 |
Thu | Stir-fried Chicken Wings with Chili 辣子鸡翅 |
Fried Eggplant, Potatoes and Green Pepper with Pork Slices 地三鲜炒肉片 |
Pork Piccatta 意大利米兰炸猪排 |
Purple Cabbage 紫甘蓝 |
Noodles with Fish and Pickled Vegetables 酸菜鱼面 / 煎鸡蛋 / 青菜 |
Pepperoni Pizza / Chicken Nuggets 意式火腿披萨 / 鸡块 |
Vegetable Curry Chickpea with Rice 咖喱蔬菜鹰嘴豆 / 米饭 |
Dumplings 小肉包 |
Fri | Steamed Pork with Rice Flour 荔浦芋头粉蒸肉 |
Organic Cauliflower with Chicken Slices 干锅鸡肉有机花菜 |
Chicken Cacciatore 意大利猎人烩鸡 |
Roasted Baby Cabbage 烤娃娃菜 |
Braised Beef Noodles 红烧牛肉面 / 素鸡 / 青菜 |
Penne Amatriciana 奶油培根番茄意面 |
Zucchini Pancakes with Tomato Salsa 西葫芦煎饼配番茄沙沙 |
Crispy Cake 豆沙香酥饼 |
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Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Piccola Italia | Vegetarian | Evening Snack | ||
Wed | Sweet and Sour Pork 菠萝咕咾肉 |
Shrimp Steamed Egg 虾仁蒸蛋 |
Thai Style Green Curry Fish 泰式青咖喱鱼 |
Roasted Eggplant 烤茄子 |
Noodles with Braised Duck Leg 酱鸭腿面 / 煎鸡蛋 |
Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Chicken 两头尖配番茄酱 / 鸡肉 |
Sweet and Sour Z-Rou Meatballs 酸甜株肉丸 |
Fruit & Chocolate Soy Milk 水果 & 巧克力豆奶 |
Thu | Deep-Fried Shrimps with Spicy Salt 椒盐基围虾 |
Dry Pot Chiba Tofu with Chicken 干锅千叶豆腐 / 鸡肉 |
Brazilian Roast Beef 巴西烤牛肉 |
Broccoli 西兰花 |
Japanese Style Bork Udon Noodles 日式猪肉乌冬面 / 油豆腐 |
Braised Chicken Breast Sandwich with Vietnamese Sauce 越南酱烧鸡胸三明治 |
Oven Baked Tomato with Couscous 焗番茄配中东米 / 番茄炒蛋 |
Fruit & Yogurt 水果 & 酸奶 |
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Daily Inspiration 每日灵感
Meme of the Day 每日梗图
Shared anonymously.
On This Day 以史为鉴
May 8: Anniversary of the birth of Miguel Hidalgo in Mexico (1753); Victory in Europe Day (1945)
- 1643 – First English Civil War: The first siege of Wardour Castle ended after six days with the surrender of the Royalist garrison under Lady Blanche Arundell.
- 1842 – A train derailed and caught fire near Versailles, France, killing at least 52 people.
- 1945 – A parade in Sétif, French Algeria, celebrating the end of World War II in Europe became a riot and was followed by reprisals, carried out by colonial authorities over the following weeks, that killed thousands.
- 1963 – In Huế, South Vietnam, soldiers opened fire into a crowd of Buddhists protesting against a government ban on the flying of the Buddhist flag on Phật Đản, killing nine and sparking the Buddhist crisis.
- 1972 – Four members of Black September hijacked Sabena Flight 571 to demand the release of 315 Palestinians convicted on terrorism charges.
- 1429年 – 圣女贞德率领法国军队击败正在包围奥尔良的英国军队,为百年战争重大转折点。
- 1794年 – 在法国大革命期间,化学家安托万·拉瓦锡因其税务官的职务而被送上断头台处死。
- 1902年 – 法国海外属地马提尼克的培雷火山喷发并摧毁附近小镇圣皮埃尔,造成约3万人死亡。
- 1945年 – 纳粹德国元帅威廉·凯特尔在柏林向同盟国军队签署无条件投降书,欧洲战场宣告结束。
- 1984年 – 苏联、东德、波兰等社会主义国家宣布不参加在美国洛杉矶举行的夏季奥林匹克运动会。
Births and Deaths: Thomas Drury (b. 1551); Helena Blavatsky (d. 1891); Beatrice Worsley (d. 1972)
Fetched from Wikipedia.
In the News 时事要闻
- Kyren Wilson wins the World Snooker Championship.
- In horse racing, Mystik Dan wins the Kentucky Derby.
- Following the Solomon Islands general election, Jeremiah Manele becomes the prime minister.
- Acting prime minister of Haiti Ariel Henry resigns, and the Transitional Presidential Council is sworn in.
- NASA announces that the Voyager 1 space probe is sending readable data for the first time in five months.
- 中国男子与女子羽毛球代表队分别在尤伯杯及汤姆斯杯决赛中以3比0、3比1击败印度尼西亚队,第16、11次夺冠。
- 因巴塞罗那不敌赫罗纳,皇家马德里提前4轮获得西班牙足球甲级联赛冠军。
- 嫦娥六号乘长征五号运载火箭于中国文昌航天发射场成功发射,将进行人类首次月球背面样品采集。
- 工党在英国地方选举中大胜,取得107个地方议会中53个议会的多数席次,11个地方首长席次当选10位。
- 所罗门群岛国民议会选举杰里迈亚·马内莱为总理。
Ongoing: Israel–Hamas war; Myanmar civil war; Russian invasion of Ukraine; War in Sudan
Recent deaths: Darius Morris; Peter Demetz; Bernard Hill; Peter Oosterhuis; Wally Dallenbach Sr.; Lyle Bauer
Fetched from Wikipedia.