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Exam Reminders 考试计划
Day | Y10 | Y12 |
Wed | — | Chinese A P1 |
Thu | — | Chinese A P2 |
— | Physics P1 & P3 SEHS P1 & P3 |
Fri | Chinese A P1 | Physics P2 SEHS P2 |
Chinese B P1 | Philosophy P1 & P3 Business P1 & P3 |
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Community Time 午休时间
Day | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12 |
Wed | Zhixing | Not Specified | Zhixing | Exams |
Thu | ||||
+ |
Important Events 重要事件
Day | Events |
Wed | Start of IB Exams |
Fri | Start of IGCSE Exams |
End of CCA Season 3 | |
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Fetched from Songjiang Student Calendar.
Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴
Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Morning Snack | ||||
Wed | Meat Bun 鲜肉包 |
Steamed Bun / Shandong Pancake 花卷 / 山东煎饼 |
Fried Egg with Pickles 外婆菜炒鸡蛋 |
Pan-fried Cowpea 扒豇豆 |
Benedict Egg & Hollandaise Sauce 班尼迪克蛋配培根菠菜 & 荷兰酱 |
Lipu Taro 荔浦芋头 |
Celery and Pork Dumplings 芹菜猪肉饺子 |
Fried Pork Dumplings 猪肉煎饺 |
Thu | Radish Pork Pastry 萝卜丝猪肉饼 |
Sticky Rice Cake 松糕 |
Stir-fried Egg 小葱炒鸡蛋 |
Mixed Beans 烩混合豆 |
Shakshuka 北非蛋 |
Prague Style Ham 布拉格风味火腿 |
Beef Fried Rice 上海酱油牛肉丝炒饭 |
Blueberry Muffins 蓝莓麦芬 |
Fri | Shaomai 烧麦 |
Custard Bun / Stuffed Sticky Rice Ball 流沙包 / 手工粢饭团 |
Tea Egg 茶叶蛋 |
Roasted Mushroom 烤香菇 |
Baked Eggs With Cheese Sausage on Toast 芝士香肠蔬菜吐司烘蛋 |
Baked Beans 茄汁焗豆 |
Pork and Preserved Vegetable Noodles & Bean Curd 雪菜肉丝面 & 素鸡 |
Shaomai 烧麦 |
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Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Piccola Italia | Vegetarian | Afternoon Snack | ||
Wed | Xinjiang Chicken 新疆大盘鸡 |
Stewed Egg Cake 农家高汤火腿烩蛋饼 |
Roast Brisket in Onion Sauce 烤牛前胸肉配洋葱汁 |
Roasted Baby Cabbage 烤娃娃菜 |
Qishan Saozi Noodles 岐山臊子面 / 油豆腐 |
Pasta Shrimps with Cream of Mushroom 奶油蘑菇虾仁意面 |
Baked Cheese Zucchini with Z-Rou Stuffing & Roasted Pumpkin 植物肉节瓜船配烤南瓜 |
Butter Cake with Dried Fruit 英式果脯蛋糕 |
Thu | Boiled Fish with Preserved Vegetable 酸菜鱼 |
Braised Bean Curd with Minced Pork 肉丝烧素鸡 |
Roast Pork Leg with Homemade Harissa 烤猪大腿配哈里萨辣酱 |
Grilled Zucchini 烤西葫芦 |
Noodles with Braised Chicken Drumstick 红烧鸡腿面 / 虎皮蛋 |
Ham and Cheese Sandwich 火腿芝士三明治 |
Pan-fried Shredded Potato Cake 土豆丝饼 |
Ham & Cheese Croissant 火腿芝士羊角 |
Fri | Braised Pork Balls 红烧狮子头 |
Fried Egg with Tomato 西红柿炒蛋 |
Jägerschnitzel with Mushroom Sauce 德式猎人炸鸡排配蘑菇酱 |
Green Beans 青豆 |
Laksa 叻沙面 / 鹌鹑蛋 |
Beef Lasagna 牛肉千层面 |
Zwiebelkuchen 洋葱派 |
Meat Floss Puff 肉松泡芙 |
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Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Piccola Italia | Vegetarian | Evening Snack | ||
Wed | Typhoon Shelter Shrimps 避风塘炒虾 |
Fried Pork with Corn and Bell Pepper 五彩黄金猪肉丁 |
Fragrant Roast Spring Chicken 香烤春鸡 |
Grilled Eggplant 烤茄子 |
Braised Beef chop noodles 红烧牛肉面 / 兰花干 |
Baked Pasta with Pork Sauce 焗芝士意面配猪肉酱 |
Sweet and Sour Lotus Root and Mixed Grains 糖醋藕夹配杂粮饭 |
Fruit & Chocolate Soy Milk 水果 & 巧克力豆奶 |
Thu | Xiangxi Braised Duck 湘西土匪鸭 |
Stewed Tofu with Ham, Fungus, Water Bamboo Shoot 三鲜火腿家常豆腐 |
Roasted Lamb with Garlic 蒜香烤羊腿 |
Cabbage 卷心菜 |
Stewed Pork Noodles 苏式焖肉面 / 卤干 |
Mexico Chicken Taco 墨西哥鸡肉饼 |
Fried Mixed Mushrooms with Couscous 香炒混合蘑菇配中东小米 |
Fruit & Yogurt 水果 & 酸奶 |
+ |
Daily Inspiration 每日灵感
Meme of the Day 每日梗图
Shared anonymously.
On This Day 以史为鉴
April 24: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (1915)
- 1837 – A fire broke out in Surat, India, which went on to destroy about three-fourths of the city.
- 1916 – Irish republicans led by Patrick Pearse began the Easter Rising against British rule in Ireland, and proclaimed the Irish Republic an independent state.
- 1990 – The Hubble Space Telescope was launched aboard STS-31 by Space Shuttle Discovery.
- 1993 – The Provisional Irish Republican Army detonated a truck bomb in London's financial district in Bishopsgate, killing one person, injuring forty-four others, and causing damage that cost £350 million to repair.
- 1800年 – 为了提供美国国会学术支持,国会图书馆根据《国会法》在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区成立。
- 1877年 – 俄罗斯帝国因为一系列巴尔干半岛争端冲突而决定向奥斯曼帝国宣战,俄土战争爆发。
- 1915年 – 奥斯曼帝国开始逮捕和驱逐居住君士坦丁堡的亚美尼亚人,亚美尼亚种族灭绝爆发。
- 1916年 – 在帕特里克·皮尔斯领导下,爱尔兰共和兄弟会在都柏林发动反对英国政府的复活节起义。
- 1990年 – 搭载美国哈勃空间望远镜的发现号航天飞机自佛罗里达州肯尼迪太空中心发射升空。
Births and Deaths: Mellitus (d. 624); Kumar Dharmasena (b. 1971); Estée Lauder (d. 2004)
Fetched from Wikipedia.
In the News 时事要闻
- Ichthyotitan, the largest known marine reptile, is formally described.
- Flooding in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula leaves more than thirty people dead.
- The historic Børsen in Copenhagen, Denmark, is severely damaged by a fire.
- A knife attack in Sydney, Australia, leaves seven people dead.
- In retaliation for an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Iran conducts missile and drone strikes against Israel.
- 中国人民解放军战略支援部队被裁撤,并改组为信息支援部队、军事航天部队和网络空间部队。
- 印尼桑义赫群岛的鲁昂火山喷发,导致西马4月18日飞往砂拉越、纳闽、沙巴的航班被紧急取消。
- 日本丰后水道发生Mj6.6级地震。
- 位于丹麦哥本哈根的历史建筑旧股票交易中心在维护翻新过程中发生火灾,导致其标志性的螺旋尖顶垮塌。
- 勒沃库森在德国足球甲级联赛中提前五轮夺得冠军,为队史首次封王。
Ongoing: Israel–Hamas war; Myanmar civil war; Russian invasion of Ukraine; War in Sudan
Recent deaths: Andrew Davis; Whitey Herzog; Käthe Sasso; Palitha Thewarapperuma; Steve Sloan; Robert MacNeil
Fetched from Wikipedia.