Happy Tuesday! Thank you very much for supporting the Daily Bulletin. If you want to provide any suggestions, feel free to fill this form. Please note that this is supplementary to The Week Ahead: please still check The Week Ahead for official information. By default, we will deliver a similar email to your inbox every day; if you no longer wish to receive this email anymore, please unsubscribe. Thank you!
Community Time 午休时间
Day | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12 |
Tue | Tutor Time | |||
Wed | Zhi Xing Launch (Auditorium) | Extended Lunch | ||
Thu | Tutor Time | |||
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Important Events 重要事件
Day | Events |
Tue | Y12 English IOAs |
Wed | Y12 English IOAs |
Varsity Girls Basketball Jr NBA Game vs Jiao Tong University High School (Gym) | |
Thu | Y12 English IOAs |
Varsity Girls Basketball Jr NBA Game vs SHSID (Gym) | |
Y10 Mock SAT / ACT Feedback Session (Brain) | |
Fri | Y12 English IOAs |
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Fetched from Songjiang Student Calendar.
Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴
Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Morning Snack | ||||
Tue | Leek and Egg Pancake 手工香葱鸡蛋煎饼 |
Green Vegetable Mushroom Bun 香菇青菜包 |
Tea Egg 茶叶蛋 |
Fried Egg 煎荷包蛋 |
Hash Brown 薯饼 |
Pork Sausage 煎猪肉肠 |
Japanese Fried Udon Noodles 日式炒乌冬面 |
Doughnut 甜甜圈 |
Wed | Shaomai 烧麦 |
Shandong Pancake / Dough Stick 山东煎饼 / 薄脆 |
Marinated Egg 卤水鸡蛋 |
Egg and Chicken & Chesse Burrito 芝士鸡肉早餐卷 |
Oatmeal 麦片粥 |
Corn Tortillas 玉米饼 |
Fried Chicken in Oyster Sauce with Noodles 蚝油鸡片面 |
BBQ Pork Bun 叉烧包 |
Thu | Marinated Meat in Baked Bun 陕西肉夹馍 |
Steamed Bun 刀切馒头 |
Fried Egg 小葱炒鸡蛋 |
Fried Eggs Over Easy 双面煎嫩蛋 |
Purple Potato 紫薯 |
Spain Beef Sausage 西班牙牛肉肠 |
Fried Rice in Shanghai Style 上海酱油蛋炒饭 |
Pumpkin Pie 南瓜饼 |
Fri | Steamed Dumplings 蒸饺 |
Smashed Bean Bun / Rice Roll 豆沙包 / 上海手工粢饭团 |
Boiled Egg 白煮蛋 |
Roasted Tomatos 烤番茄 |
Italian Bacon Frittata 意式培根烘蛋 |
Potatoes 土豆 |
Wontons in Chicken Soup 鸡汤小馄饨 |
Bean Paste Bun 豆沙包 |
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Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Piccola Italia | Vegetarian | Afternoon Snack | ||
Tue | Sichuan Spicy Fish 川湘豆花鱼 |
Shredded Pork with Cabbage and Edamame Bean 雪菜毛豆肉丝 |
Duck Confit 法式油封鸭腿 |
Grilled Cowpea 扒豇豆 |
Noodles with Chicken in Tomato Sauce 茄汁鸡肉面 / 兰花豆腐干 |
Italy Creamy Bacon Mushroom Pasta 意大利奶油培根蘑菇面 |
Pan-fried Shredded Potato Cake 土豆丝饼 / 兰花豆腐干 |
Samosa 咖喱角 |
Wed | Teriyaki Shrimp with Scallion 照烧香葱虾 |
Tofu with Korean Kimchi 韩式猪肉泡菜豆腐 |
Fried Fish Fillet with Cheese Tartar Sauce 芝士煎鱼排配塔塔汁 |
Roasted Tomato and Asparagus 烤番茄芦笋 |
Stewed Pork Noodles 苏式焖肉面 / 卤香干 |
Chicken Hamburger & Fries 鸡肉汉堡配薯条 |
Z-Rou Meat Balls with Cream Mushroom Stew and Pasta 株肉球烩奶油蘑菇酱配意大利面 |
Waffle 华夫 |
Thu | BBQ Pork and Roasted Duck 港式烧腊双拼 |
Twice-Cooked Pork Slices with Beancurd 香干回锅肉 |
Hungarian Goulash 匈牙利烩牛肉 |
Cauliflower and Carrot 花菜胡萝卜 |
Chicken Noodles 老母鸡汤面 / 素鸡 |
Paella 西班牙海鲜饭 |
Fried Udon Noodle with Egg & Vegetables 鸡蛋炒乌冬面 / 素鸡 |
Pork Floss Dim Sum 肉松小贝 |
Fri | Fuli Roast Chicken 符离集烧鸡 |
Boiled Baby Cabbage with Ham and Preserved Egg 上汤火腿皮蛋娃娃菜 |
Argentina Bulgogi 阿根廷烤肉 |
Red Radish 红菜头 |
Sauerkraut & Fish Noodle 酸菜金汤鱼面 / 煎鸡蛋 |
Pasta with Pesto Sause & Sausage 香肠罗勒酱意面 |
Baked Cheese Zucchini with Z-Rou Stuffing and Roasted Pumpkin 植物肉节瓜船配烤南瓜 |
Ham and Cheese Sandwich 鸡蛋芝士三明治 |
+ |
Day | Taste of Asia | Eat Global | Revolution | Piccola Italia | Vegetarian | Evening Snack | ||
Tue | Cantonese Roast Duck 广式烤鸭 |
Bacon and Snow Peas 腊味荷兰豆 |
Roasted Chicken With Butter 蒜香黄油烤鸡 |
Roasted Zucchini 烤西葫芦 |
Pork Dumplings in Spicy Sauce 红油抄手 / 煎鸡蛋 |
Pasta Bolognese 肉酱面 |
Fried Rice Noodles wit Beans Sprouts, Egg 豆芽鸡蛋炒河粉 |
Fruit & Yoghurt 水果 & 酸奶 |
Wed | Braised Pork Ball 红烧狮子头 |
Diced Chicken with Bean Curd 鸡丁豆干 |
Pan-seared Fish with Lemon Butter Sauce 法式纸包鱼配柠檬黄油汁 |
Roasted Eggplant 烤茄子 |
Sliced Mutton Noodles 白切羊肉面 / 鹌鹑蛋 |
Jacket Potato with Toppings (Tuna, Bacon, Sour Cream) 锡纸烤土豆配金枪鱼,培根,酸奶油 |
Spanish Omelet 西班牙土豆鸡蛋饼 |
Fruit & Chocolate Soy Milk 水果 & 巧克力豆奶 |
Thu | Boiled Chicken Slices with Chili Oil 水煮椒麻鸡片 |
Stir-fried Pork Slices with Lettuce 莴笋炒肉片 |
Roasted BBQ Pork Leg 秘制碳烤猪大腿 |
Grilled Peppers 煎甜椒 |
Bamboo Shoots and Duck Soup Rice Noodles 老鸭扁尖汤河粉 / 白煮蛋 |
Mixed Mushroom & Shrimp Pasta 混合蘑菇虾仁汁意面 |
Assorted Vegetarian Noodle with Sallion Oil 罗汉斋配葱油拌面 |
Fruit & Yoghurt 水果 & 酸奶 |
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Daily Inspiration 每日灵感
Quote of the Day 每日引言
This is my favorite Chinese word.
Nothing comes close to it.
You guys call TNTYellow Exploding Medicine. 黄色炸药。
I love this language.— Juan Sarmiento
Shared anonymously.
On This Day 以史为鉴
January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States (2023)
- 1537 – Sir Francis Bigod began an armed rebellion against King Henry VIII and the English Parliament.
- 1780 – American Revolutionary War: The Royal Navy gained their first major naval victory over their European enemies in the war when they defeated a Spanish squadron in the Battle of Cape St. Vincent.
- 1883 – The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, establishing the United States Civil Service, is enacted by the U.S. Congress.
- 1905 – Despite being blind in one eye, ice hockey player Frank McGee set the record for most goals in a Stanley Cup game when he scored 14 against the Dawson City Nuggets.
- 2016 – After gunmen took hostages the previous night at a restaurant in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, government commandos stormed the premises to bring the situation to an end.
- 前27年 – 罗马元老院决定授予盖乌斯·屋大维“奥古斯都”称号,古罗马进入罗马帝国时代。
- 929年 – 科尔多瓦酋长国埃米尔阿卜杜拉赫曼三世自立为哈里发,建立科尔多瓦哈里发国。
- 1547年 – 莫斯科大公国大公伊凡四世加冕成为首位俄罗斯沙皇,开始建立中央集权统治。
- 1909年 – 英国探险家欧内斯特·沙克尔顿率领的考察队成为第一个到达地磁南极的探险队。
- 1979年 – 末代伊朗国王穆罕默德-礼萨·巴列维出逃至埃及,巴列维王朝被伊朗伊斯兰革命推翻。
Births and Deaths: John C. Breckinridge (b. 1821); Osip Brik (b. 1888); Lorna Kesterson (d. 2012)
Fetched from Wikipedia.
In the News 时事要闻
- Margrethe II abdicates and is succeeded by Frederik X as King of Denmark.
- A US-led coalition launches a series of airstrikes against the Houthis in Yemen, amid ongoing attacks on ships in the Red Sea.
- Archaeologists announce the discovery of a cluster of ancient cities in the Amazon rainforest, which predates known complex Amazonian societies by more than a millennium.
- 经中华人民共和国外交部斡旋,缅北三兄弟联盟同缅甸军政府达成协定,正式宣布停火。
- 美、英等国军队对也门胡塞运动控制区域发动空袭,以回应其在红海海域多次攻击各国商船之举。
- 由东方空间研发、全球运力最大的固体燃料火箭引力一号运载火箭于中国大陆山东省海阳市海域成功发射。
- 巴布亚新几内亚首都莫尔斯比港及第二大城市莱城因公务员罢工抗议薪酬问题爆发骚乱,造成至少22人死亡、41人受伤。
Ongoing: Israel–Hamas war; Myanmar civil war; Russian invasion of Ukraine; War in Sudan
Recent deaths: Tim Steele; Bud Harrelson; Lynja; Ed Broadbent; Joan Acocella; Adan Canto
Fetched from Wikipedia.