Happy Wednesday! Thank you very much for supporting the Daily Bulletin. If you want to share any content or provide any suggestions, feel free to fill this form.
Community Time 午休时间
Day | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12 |
Wed | HMs Meet with Tutors and Tutees | Academic Assembly – PPE | CAS Interview Time | Health Talk 2 (Auditorium) |
Thu | Tutor Time | |||
+ |
Important Events 重要事件
Day | Events |
Wed | Varsity Boys Basketball v PH (Gym) |
CCA Season 2 Selection | |
Thu | Varsity Girls Basketball v SUIS WY @ WY |
CCA: Scholars Seminar | |
+ |
Fetched from Songjiang Student Calendar.
On This Day 以史为鉴
November 8: Guru Nanak Gurpurab (Sikhism, 2022)
- 960 – Arab–Byzantine wars: Having been the target of many raids by the Emirate of Aleppo, Byzantine forces led by Leo Phokas the Younger ambushed the Hamdanids and annihilated their army.
- 1291 – A law was passed that confined most of Venice's glassmaking industry to nearby Murano.
- 1644 – The Shunzhi Emperor (portrait shown), the third emperor of the Qing dynasty, was enthroned in Beijing after the collapse of the Ming dynasty as the first Qing emperor to rule over China.
- 1965 – Vietnam War: In the Battle of Gang Toi, one of the earliest battles between the two sides, Viet Cong forces repelled an Australian attack.
- 1519年 – 西班牙殖民者埃尔南·科尔特斯抵达特诺奇提特兰,并获得阿兹特克国王蒙特祖马二世的欢迎。
- 1793年 – 法国吉伦特派政治家罗兰夫人遭以马克西米连·罗伯斯庇尔为首的雅各宾俱乐部送上断头台处决。
- 1923年 – 阿道夫·希特勒、埃里希·鲁登道夫等人发动啤酒馆政变,试图推翻德国魏玛共和国政府。
- 2013年 – 超强台风海燕自菲律宾中部登陆,造成至少6,340人死亡、近3万人受伤,为菲律宾独立后死伤最惨重的风灾。
- 2016年 – 共和党参选人唐纳德·特朗普在总统选举中击败民主党参选人希拉里·克林顿胜出,成为美国史上唯一未曾担任政府文武官职及最富有的总统。
Births and Deaths: Lettice Knollys (b. 1543); Thomas Bewick (d. 1828); Johannes Latuharhary (d. 1959)
Fetched from Wikipedia.
In the News 时事要闻
- In baseball, the Hanshin Tigers defeat the Orix Buffaloes to win the Japan Series.
- An earthquake strikes Karnali Province, Nepal, leaving more than 150 people dead.
- American entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried is convicted on charges of fraud and money laundering over his role in the bankruptcy of cryptocurrency exchange FTX.
- NASA's space probe flies by the asteroid Dinkinesh, the first target of the mission.
- 得克萨斯游骑兵在2023年美国职业棒球大联盟世界大赛中以4比1击败亚利桑那响尾蛇,取得队史首座世界大赛冠军。
- 国际足球联合会宣布2034年国际足联世界杯唯一申办国沙特阿拉伯取得赛事主办权。
- 哈萨克斯坦卡拉干达州一处由安赛乐米塔尔营运的矿场发生气爆火灾,造成至少46人死亡、18人受伤。
- 缅甸民族民主同盟军、德昂民族解放军及若开军等缅北武装组织向掸邦发动攻势,占领多个城镇及缅甸军政府据点。
- 迈阿密国际前锋利昂内尔·梅西第八次获得金球奖,巴塞罗那中场艾塔娜·邦马蒂则首次获得女子金球奖。
Ongoing: Israel–Hamas war; Russian invasion of Ukraine
Recent deaths: Lea Ackermann; George W. Owings III; Frank Howard; Ken Mattingly; Bob Knight; Ady Barkan
Fetched from Wikipedia.
Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴
Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | ||||
Wed | Shrimp with Vegetable Pastry 虾仁菜饼 |
Brown Sugar Cake 红糖发糕 |
Steamed Egg 蒸鸡蛋 |
Fried Egg 荷包蛋 |
Pumpkin 南瓜 |
Pork Sausage 猪肉肠 |
Noodle Soup with Tomato & Egg 番茄鸡蛋炒刀削 |
Thu | Pork and Rice Cake 香煎糯米饼 |
Sweet Corn Cake 玉米方糕 |
Fried Egg 小葱炒鸡蛋 |
Pork & Cheese Panini 猪肉芝士帕尼尼 |
Wuhan Mixed Noodle with Sesame Sauce 武汉热干面 |
Fri | Pork with Cabbage Bun 酸菜猪肉包 |
Shanghai Rice Roll (Home-made) / Pumpkin Cake 粢饭团 / 南瓜饼 |
Boiled Egg 白煮蛋 |
Roasted Tomato 烤番茄 |
Scramble Egg with Mushroom and Bacon 蘑菇培根炒鸡蛋 |
Spicy Wonton 红油抄手 |
+ |
Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | Piazza | Vegetarian | ||
Wed | Cantonese Braised Chicken 玫瑰豉油鸡 |
Minced Pork with Bean 肉沫豇豆 |
Japanese Beef Curry Rice 日式咖喱牛肉饭 |
Japanese Noodles with Roasted Pork 日式烧肉浓汤面 |
Cottage Pie / Broccoli 英式牛肉乡村派 / 西兰花 |
Tofu in Vegetarian Salted Egg Sauce / Rice / Vegetable 咸蛋黄三鲜豆腐 / 米饭 / 油麦菜 |
Thu | Shanxi Braised Pork 山西过油肉 |
Ham with Preserved Egg & Baby Cabbage 上汤娃娃菜 |
Mediterranean Roasted Chicken with Cream Cheese 地中海风味焗奶酪鸡腿 |
Snow Bean / Eggplant 荷兰豆 / 茄子 |
Oden (Curry) 关东煮(咖喱) |
Spaghetti with Pork Meat Sauce 猪肉酱意大利直面 |
Vegetarian Ball with Rice 瑞典蔬菜丸子配黄芥末酱 / 米饭 |
Fri | Duck Wings in Three-cup Style 三杯鸭翅根 |
Fried Egg with Tomato 番茄炒鸡蛋 |
American Pork with Balsamic BBQ Sauce 美式熏猪腿肉配黑醋烧烤酱 |
Baked Tomato / Sweet Corn 烤番茄 / 玉米粒 |
Seafood Noodle in Satay Soup 海鲜沙茶面 |
Pasta with Creamed Bacon 奶油培根意面 |
Fried Rice-noodle with Vegetables & Egg 鸡蛋蔬菜炒河粉 |
+ |
Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | Piazza | Vegetarian | ||
Wed | Cantonese Sweet & Sour Fish 荔枝酸甜鱼 |
Shredded Pork with Tree Mushroom and Pepper 茶树菇尖椒肉丝 |
Mexican Braised Hand-Shredded Pork 墨西哥慢炖手撕猪肉 |
Broccoli & Carrots 西兰花 / 胡萝卜 |
Stewed Chicken Noodles 香菇鸡汤面 |
Oven-baked Macaroni with Ham & Cheese 芝士焗火腿弯管面 |
Creamy Potato with Mushroom / Grilled Peppers 蘑菇焗土豆球 / 煎甜椒 |
Thu | Braised Pork Trotter with Soybeans 红烧黄豆猪手 |
Diced Chicken with Dried Tofu 鸡丁炒豆干 |
Korean Teppanyaki Squid Cheese Rice Cake 韩式铁板鱿鱼年糕 |
Corn Cob / Broccoli 玉米棒 / 西兰花 |
Beef Dumpling in Tomato Soup 番茄牛肉水饺 |
Chicken & Mushroom Risotto 鸡肉菌菇烩饭 |
Fried Mushroom with Konjack / Cabbage / Sweet Potato Rice 什菌素毛肚 / 牛心菜 / 红薯饭 |
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Promoted Contents 推广内容
Fill this form to advertise a CCA, a club, or an activity.
如果您想要在此推广一个 CCA、学生主导社团或活动,请填写这个问卷。
- Peer Pao: Peer mentoring. Contact Frank Zhou.
- Classics / Latin Club: Authentic Latin for true Ancient Roman nerds. Contact Joey Zhang.
- Flag Football
- Hi, we are Annie & Tiffany from Flag Football CCA.
- It is a non-contact version of American football, where tackles are made by pulling off flags that all players wear on their hips.
- The game retains the same inclusivity that makes American Football great, welcoming athletes of all abilities, genders, and levels of experience. Play is based on the same principles as the contact game with offensive teams having four attempts (downs) to reach a certain point on the field with the defensive team seeking to halt their progress.
- We are enthusiastic and friendly players, and we welcome players of all levels.
- Involvement in lots of events: e.g. Last year we went to different schools for matches and even played with ECUPL. A tournament among Shanghai’s international schools is going to be held this school year.
- Contact Tiffany Guo。
- Peer Pao:学生辅导,互帮互助。请联系 Frank Zhou。
- Classics / Latin Club:是精罗就来学拉丁语!请联系 Joey Zhang。
- 腰旗橄榄球
- 比 Rugby 更新手友好,我们拥有最轻松的体育 CCA 氛围、充满热情的 Players 和非常灵活的时间,你会收获非常多快乐和友谊❤️你也会拥有许多和其他学校(e.g. 华东政法大学)切磋的机会!如果你不满意现在的 2 个 Sports CCA,欢迎在 Season 2 加入 Flag Football CCA,帮助我们 Bring back YKPS Flag Football! 时间是 Tue / Thu CCA3!
- 这是一种非接触式的美式足球,所有球员都要扯下对方腰间挂着的旗子才能阻碍其进攻。
- 该游戏保留了橄榄球的包容性,对各种能力、性别和经验水平的运动员友好。比赛基于与接触式比赛相同的原则,进攻队有四次机会进攻,防守队则设法阻止他们前进。
- 我们是热情友好的业余选手,欢迎所有水平的同学加入。
- 去年我们和一些高中还有华政进行了友谊赛。这个学年将会举办上海国际学校间的联赛。
- 请联系 Tiffany Guo。
Daily Inspiration 每日灵感
We are desperate for your help! Fill this form to share your inspiration in any form. Fill this form to share anonymously.
Quote of the Day 每日引言
For nowadays the world is lit by lightning! Blow out your candles, Laura — and so goodbye…
— Tom Wingfield
Excerpt from "The Glass Meganerie" by Tenessee Williams. Shared by Runxi Yu.
选自田纳西 · 威廉斯《玻璃动物园》。由 Runxi Yu 分享。
The School Inspires 学校灵感
Cartoon of the Week 每周漫画
Cartoon by TwistedDoodles. Posted on New Scientist. Shared by the school.
由 TwistedDoodles 创作。在 New Scientist 发表。由学校分享。
Philosophical Quote of the Week 每周哲学引言
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
— Simone Weil
Shared by Polemia Club.
由 Polemia Club 分享。
Rather New Notices 较新通知
Y10 & Y11 Physical Examination 体检
- Y10: Lesson 2
- Y11: Lesson 3
- Location:
- Checking: Brain
- Waiting: Auditorium
- The health checks you will get are eyes, ears, mouth, blood pressure, stomach examinations, squatting and standing, spine, chest, and height / weight.
- Directions:
- Go to class for attendance
- come with class to health exam
- Be polite and respectful to all staff that is directing and conducting health exam
- Follow instructions given to you by wellness staff after you are done with exam
- Go back to class
- Y10: Lesson 2
- Y11: Lesson 3
- 地点:
- 检查:Brain
- 等候:Auditorium
- 你将会进行的健康检查是:眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴、血压、腹部检套、下蹲和站起、脊椎、胸部和身高/体重。
- 指示:
- 去班级点名
- 随班级来体检
- 对所有指导和进行健康检查的工作人员要礼貌和尊重
- 体检完成后根据医务工作人员的指示去做
- 回教室
Regular Notices 常规通知
Key Links 重要链接
- Participate in Daily Bulletin
- This Week Ahead
- Behavior Policy
- Day Students' Handbook
- Timings of a School Day
- Menu This Week
Package Pick-up 快递领取
- Time: -, Tuesday; After , Friday
- Location: Student Life Office
- Please be aware that your package will be checked by SLO staff to ensure safety.
From Wellness Center 医务室通知
- Fire Safety Poster 消防安全知识
- Earthquake Safety Poster 地震常识
- Wellness Center satisfaction survey 医务室满意度调查
Uniform and Phone Use Clarification 校服与手机使用政策
- Students must be in full uniform for all classes.
- Students must leave the boarding house in formal uniform each morning (not PE kit).
- Students can leave PE class and go directly to lunch and then get changed (but must be in formal uniform for the Whole School Assembly).
- Students can leave P6 in the PE kit.
- Students must be in either a formal uniform or PE kit until 7 pm in the evening.
- Mobile phones are not permitted outside the boarding house at any time, including CCAs.
From Student Government 学生会通知
- This is the Student Government Suggestion Box of 2023-2024.
- We encourage everyone to propose any ideas or suggestions you have regarding your life on the Songjiang campus, including food, infrastructure, parties, academics. etc. If possible, please propose 1-2 solutions while raising the advice, this will be very helpful in increasing the speed and possibility of resolving the issue.
- Your name and year group are not required to be filled out in the form, and even if you do fill out your name, it will only be kept to us and will not be reported to the school's officials. It's just for us to reach out to you when we need you to clarify something or when we want to follow up the on suggestion that you proposed. Thank you!
- 链接中是 2023-2024 学年的反馈意见表 / 学生会建议箱。
- 这是一个用于收集大家想法的问卷,欢迎大家在这个问卷里提出你有关校园生活的任何建议(例:饮食、硬件设施、派对、学术)。我们希望大家在提出建议的同时可以给出一到两个你认为可行的解决方案,以便问题更加快速有效的得到解决。
- 此外,名字和年级都是选填选项,就算你填写了自己的名字,你的名字也不会被上报给校方,它仅仅是方便于我们在想跟进问题的时候来联络你。谢谢!
Note: Microsoft reminds you that when you submit this form, the owner of the form will see your name and email address even if you choose not to enter the information. Fill the form at your own risk!
提示:Microsoft 提醒您,当您提交此表单时,即使您选择不输入您的姓名和电子邮件地址,表单所有者仍可以看到这些信息。请自行承担填写表格的风险!
The School Recommends 学校推荐
Psychology and TOK: Weekly Dose of TOK 每周知识论
- Is Psychology a Science? Of course! Psychologists use the scientific method, just like Physics!
- Then why don’t people debate over whether Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are sciences but only over Psychology?
- Some people say a feature of science is paradigm. A paradigm is a set of shared assumptions or basic set of principles shared by the scientific community.
- In Physics, some famous paradigms include:
- Heliocentric view of the Solar System
- Einstein's Relativistic Approach
- But in Psychology, we have the:
- Biological Approach
- Cognitive Approach
- Sociocultural Approach
Shared by Henry Dai from Waiacademy.
由 Waiacademy 的 Henry Dai 分享。
Artist of the Week 每周艺术家
Eva Hesse
Hesse was a German-born Jewish artist. Her family fled to the US under the rise of Nazism when she was a toddler. She started her career as a painter, experimenting with minimalism and abstract expressionism, filling her canvas with small, erratic abstractions. Marrying a sculptor in 1965, she moved back to Germany and lived in an industrial area. There, she became accustomed to manufacturing materials such as latex, plastics, and fiberglass, with which she created some of her most famous and influential sculptures. With her 3D work, Hesse became known as a pioneer then-up-and-coming Post-Minimalist movement. This is evidenced by her interest in extreme abstractions and industrial media, both of which are key to the Minimalist movement, and her simultaneous rejection of Minimalism's closed, polished geometric forms. To complete her work, Hesse undergoes often meticulous processes: for example, brushing latex onto more than 300m2 of draping cheesecloth. Hesse's techniques created expressive pieces with dynamic forms and authentic characteristics, simultaneously simplistic and complex. She passed away due to a brain tumor in 1970 when she was just 34.
Shared by Jessica Cai from the Art Appreciation Club.
由 Art Appreciation Club 的 Jessica Cai 分享。
Exhibition of the Week 每周展览
Bodies of Water: The Shanghai Biennials
- Date: –
- Location: 上海当代艺术博物馆 PSA
First started in 1996, the Shanghai Biennials are the oldest Biennials of contemporary art in China. Functioning as a place of dialogue and display for artists from around the globe, it includes a main exhibition in the PSA, as well as multiple other portions that span the city.
Titled 水体 (Bodies of Water), the 13th Shanghai Biennale will advocate for processes of planetary re-alliance relying on transspecies collectivity. Exploring forms of fluid solidarity, the Biennale will convene artists to think beyond human-centered and nation-based narratives, connecting the discussions of bodies with those of the environment.
Chief Curator Andrés Jaque says: “From the depth and tempo of a breath to the evolution of an ecosystem, the Biennale will reflect on how collectivities are made tangible and bodied in wet-togetherness, exploring diverting forms of aqueousness. Beyond the confines of flesh and land, the curatorial proposal considers how discharging, breathing, transfusing, flushing, and decomposing are ways in which bodies exist together.”