Happy Thursday! Thank you very much for supporting the Daily Bulletin. If you want to share any content or provide any suggestions, feel free to fill this form.
Community Time 午休时间
Day | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12 |
Thu | Tutor Time | CAS Portfolio Launch (Auditorium) | Tutor Time | |
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Important Events 重要事件
Day | Events |
Thu | Varsity Girls & Boys Volleyball v SUIS WY (Gym) |
Varsity Boys Football v SUIS WY (Field) | |
Varsity Girls Basketball v GHC @ GHC | |
Fri | M1 Report Card Release (Grades and Effort) |
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Fetched from Songjiang Student Calendar.
On This Day 以史为鉴
November 2: All Souls' Day (Western Christianity)
- 1917 – The British government issued the Balfour Declaration in support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small Jewish minority.
- 1997 – Tropical Storm Linda made landfall in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, causing more than 3,000 deaths.
- 2000 – Aboard Expedition 1, American astronaut William Shepherd and Russian cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev and Yuri Gidzenko became the first resident crew to arrive at the International Space Station.
- 2008 – At the season-ending Brazilian Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton overtook Timo Glock in the final corners of the race to become World Drivers' Champion by one point.
- 1861年 – 清朝慈安太后、慈禧太后、恭亲王奕䜣等人在发动宫廷政变后,下令逮捕肃顺等顾命八大臣。
- 1917年 – 英国外交及联邦事务大臣阿瑟·贝尔福发表《贝尔福宣言》,支持在巴勒斯坦建立犹太家园。
- 1932年 – 澳大利亚国防军针对在西澳大利亚州广泛破坏农作物的特有鸟类鸸鹋进行大规模剿灭行动。
- 1963年 – 在杨文明等军官发动军事政变后,越南共和国总统吴廷琰与胞弟吴廷瑈遭到枪杀身亡。
- 2000年 – 第一批常驻航天员搭乘执行远征1任务的俄罗斯联盟TM-31而登上国际空间站。
Births and Deaths: Matilda of Flanders (d. 1083); Daniel Boone (b. 1734); Harriet Bosse (d. 1961)
Fetched from Wikipedia.
In the News 时事要闻
- In motorsport, Kalle Rovanperä and Jonne Halttunen win the World Rally Championship.
- A coal mine fire in Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan, kills 46 people.
- Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco, Mexico, leaving at least 48 people dead.
- In the United States, 18 people are killed in a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine.
- 迈阿密国际前锋利昂内尔·梅西第八次获得金球奖,巴塞罗那中场艾塔娜·邦马蒂则首次获得女子金球奖。
- 前中国共产党中央政治局常务委员会委员、中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强于上海去世,享年68岁。
- 美国共和党籍众议院议员迈克·约翰逊当选为新一任众议院议长,接替遭到罢免的凯文·麦卡锡。
- 美国缅因州刘易斯顿发生枪击案,造成至少19人死亡、13人受伤。
- 中华人民共和国第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会免去中国人民解放军上将李尚福的国务委员、国防部部长、中央军事委员会委员等职务,同时免去原外交部部长秦刚的国务委员职务。
Ongoing: Israel–Hamas war; Russian invasion of Ukraine
Recent deaths: Lois Galgay Reckitt; Zdeněk Mácal; Ina Cronjé; Helena Carr; Richard Roundtree; Tom Walker
Fetched from Wikipedia.
Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴
Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | ||||
Thu | Shredded Radish Pie 手工萝卜丝馅饼 |
Steamed Bun 刀切馒头 |
Fried Egg 炒鸡蛋 |
Over Medium Egg 西式煎蛋 |
Taro 香芋 |
Chicken Sausage 鸡肉早餐肠 |
Fried Rice with Sausage 腊肠橄榄菜炒饭 |
Fri | Steamed Dumpling 蒸饺 |
Steamed Brown Sugar Sponge Cake / Shandong Pancake 红糖发糕 / 山东煎饼 |
Tea Egg 茶叶蛋 |
Roasted Zucchini 烤西葫芦 |
Chicken Patty & Omelette Burger 肉饼欧姆蛋汉堡 |
Shanghai Noodles with Assorted Vegetable 本帮素浇面 |
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Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | Piazza | Vegetarian | ||
Thu | Crispy Deep-fried Duck 香酥鸭 |
Fried Egg with Luffa 丝瓜炒蛋 |
Brazilian Roasted Pork with Honey Mustard Sauce 巴西炭烤猪肉配黄芥末酱 |
Grilled Zucchini / Sweet Corn 烤西葫芦 /玉米段 |
Beef Rice-noodle Soup 闽南牛肉米线 |
Chicken Fajitas 鸡肉卷 |
Spaghetti with Vegetarian Beef & Mushroom 素牛肉菌菇意面 |
Fri | Deep-fried Fish 避风塘炸鱼柳 |
Stir-fried Shredded Chicken with Green Bean 毛豆米炒鸡丝 |
Korean Kimchi Pork Bibimbap 韩式猪五花拌饭 |
Braised Shredded Duck Noodles 蚝油鸭片面 |
Spaghetti Bolognaise 经典牛肉酱意大利直面 |
Fried Vegetarian Beef with Black Pepper / Vegetable / Rice 黑椒素牛肉粒 / 杭白菜 /米饭 |
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Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | Piazza | Vegetarian | ||
Thu | Beef Cubes with Orange Peel Sauce 陈皮牛肉粒 |
Sliced Pork with Green Pepper & Chinese Yam 青椒山药木耳肉片 |
Provence Stuffed Fish with Tomato 普罗旺斯番茄酿鱼 |
Green Pea / Cauliflower 青豆 /花菜 |
Braised Duck Noodle 本帮酱鸭面 |
Oven Baked Pork & Tomato Rice 番茄猪肉芝士焗饭 |
Z-rou Sauce Noodle 罗汉炸酱面 |
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Promoted Contents 推广内容
Fill this form to advertise a CCA, a club, or an activity.
如果您想要在此推广一个 CCA、学生主导社团或活动,请填写这个问卷。
- Unlingable: Linguistics club. Contact Tiffany Guo.
- Classics / Latin Club: Authentic Latin for true Ancient Roman nerds. Contact Joey Zhang.
- Safe Spaces for Student Voices: Contact Runxi Yu.
- 无言以对:语言学社团。请联系 Tiffany Guo。
- Classics / Latin Club:是精罗就来学拉丁语!请联系 Joey Zhang。
- Safe Spaces for Student Voices:请联系 Runxi Yu。
Daily Inspiration 每日灵感
We are desperate for your help! Fill this form to share your inspiration in any form. Fill this form to share anonymously.
Quote of the Day 每日引言
I'm not an inspirational person. Ask ChatGPT!
— Steven Varty
Mr. Varty, when asked for an inspiration to share.
Shared by Albert Tan.
由 Albert Tan 分享。
The School Inspires 学校灵感
Cartoon of the Week 每周图片
Cartoon by TwistedDoodles. Posted on New Scientist. Shared by the school.
由 TwistedDoodles 创作。在 New Scientist 发表。由学校分享。
Philosophical Quote of the Week 每周哲学引言
Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
— Erich Fromm
Shared by Polemia Club.
由 Polemia Club 分享。
Regular Notices 常规通知
Key Links 重要链接
- Participate in Daily Bulletin
- This Week Ahead
- Behavior Policy
- Day Students' Handbook
- Timings of a School Day
- Menu This Week
Package Pick-up 快递领取
- Time: -, Tuesday; After , Friday
- Location: Student Life Office
- Please be aware that your package will be checked by SLO staff to ensure safety.
From Wellness Center 医务室通知
- Fire Safety Poster 消防安全知识
- Earthquake Safety Poster 地震常识
- Wellness Center satisfaction survey 医务室满意度调查
Uniform and Phone Use Clarification 校服与手机使用政策
- Students must be in full uniform for all classes.
- Students must leave the boarding house in formal uniform each morning (not PE kit).
- Students can leave PE class and go directly to lunch and then get changed (but must be in formal uniform for the Whole School Assembly).
- Students can leave P6 in the PE kit.
- Students must be in either a formal uniform or PE kit until 7 pm in the evening.
- Mobile phones are not permitted outside the boarding house at any time, including CCAs.
From Student Government 学生会通知
- This is the Student Government Suggestion Box of 2023-2024.
- We encourage everyone to propose any ideas or suggestions you have regarding your life on the Songjiang campus, including food, infrastructure, parties, academics. etc. If possible, please propose 1-2 solutions while raising the advice, this will be very helpful in increasing the speed and possibility of resolving the issue.
- Your name and year group are not required to be filled out in the form, and even if you do fill out your name, it will only be kept to us and will not be reported to the school's officials. It's just for us to reach out to you when we need you to clarify something or when we want to follow up the on suggestion that you proposed. Thank you!
- 链接中是 2023-2024 学年的反馈意见表 / 学生会建议箱。
- 这是一个用于收集大家想法的问卷,欢迎大家在这个问卷里提出你有关校园生活的任何建议(例:饮食、硬件设施、派对、学术)。我们希望大家在提出建议的同时可以给出一到两个你认为可行的解决方案,以便问题更加快速有效的得到解决。
- 此外,名字和年级都是选填选项,就算你填写了自己的名字,你的名字也不会被上报给校方,它仅仅是方便于我们在想跟进问题的时候来联络你。谢谢!
Note: Microsoft reminds you that when you submit this form, the owner of the form will see your name and email address even if you choose not to enter the information. Fill the form at your own risk!
提示:Microsoft 提醒您,当您提交此表单时,即使您选择不输入您的姓名和电子邮件地址,表单所有者仍可以看到这些信息。请自行承担填写表格的风险!
The School Recommends 学校推荐
Club of the Week 每周学生主导社团
- If you are someone who loves reading, or is currently searching for interesting books, our project, “Shelf-Indulgence”, is here to offer a range of things:
- We are a group of students who want to bring more attention to library books, especially new arrivals. Members of our team will select books they find interesting, read them and then post their thoughts/feelings on platforms such as WeChat official accounts.
- We also want to create a discussion space where anyone can submit short paragraphs about any book they love, sharing their insights and showing why they would recommend this book to others.
- Our goal is to help students pick out what books are worth reading, spark more interest in reading, and to stimulate more discussion over books.
- Contact Melanie Wu.
- 我们是一群希望大家能更多地关注图书馆书籍的学生。我们团队的成员会各选择自己感兴趣的书籍,阅读后在微信公众号、邮件等平台上发表自己的读后感/推荐理由。
- 我们还想创建一个可以让所有人分享自己喜欢的书的讨论平台,以短书评的形式介绍,推荐任何一本自己喜爱的书目。
- 我们的目标是通过写书评来帮助同学们挑选自己感兴趣的书,激发更多的阅读兴趣且增加校内学生对各种阅读的讨论。
Article Recommendation of the Week 杂志文章简评
Breaking FOPO, Focusing on Goals
Swimmer Wang Shun stated in an interview at the Asian Games that athletes are not allowed to contact the outside world until the end of the entire competition. As a student, do you have any anxiety or unease before, during and after the exam? Why should athletes be isolated from social media? In the performance of major events, people are more or less affected by external environment and human interference. Although this may be a normal and completely familiar emotion, it can sometimes have a negative impact on the outcome. How can we overcome this problem?
This state of anxiety is called 'fear of people's opinions' (FOPO), which is a warning mechanism that is human nature. The lives of high-performance individuals are filled with FOPO, and they are easily influenced by public opinion and the outside world. The environment and background in which we grow up form different identities for each of us. Identity is a concept in psychology and sociology that refers to a person's expression of their own identity and shared beliefs (nationality or culture) with a certain group. Identity has a significant impact on FOPO. Research has shown that goal based identity is healthier than performance based identity. In life, if we hold a performance-based identity, we will be very concerned about the evaluation of others, which in turn affects our own performance. But if we establish a reasonable goal, our attention will focus on how to achieve it, rather than blindly catering to it and causing some psychological pressure as a result. Whether it is an individual or a team, if they need continuous external verification support, or rely on others' praise and opinion driven, this performance-based identity can bring instability, anxiety, fear, and perfectionism, while goal-based identity is more focused, determined, and efficient. A healthy goal based team will have more team members supporting each other, and the final result is often 1+1>2.
FOPO encourages people to make every effort to interpret others' evaluations, in order to avoid negative evaluations of themselves. However, the problem lies not in negative evaluations, but in the fear of negative evaluations and the resulting troubles. However, goals come from our inner intentions and are forward-looking, which can serve as a filtering mechanism for our choices and decisions, thereby reducing external influences.
Published on ISSN 0017-8012, September 2023. Shared by Parents Volunteers of the Library.
于 ISSN 0017-8012 2023 年 9 月刊出版。由图书馆家长志愿者分享。
Artist of the Week 每周艺术家
Jean Dubuffet
Jean Dubuffet was a French artist whose works fervently rejected conventional aesthetics. Instead, he embraced “raw art,” embracing art made by untrained individuals outside of artistic norms, such as psychiatric patients and children, founding the Art Brut movement.
At seventeen years old, Dubuffet studied painting professionally in Paris for a brief six months before leaving. Returning to art twenty years later, Dubuffet blocked cramped Parisian streets with bright colors and chaotic, direct strokes, gaining much success.Yet, Dubuffet wasn’t satisfied with his mode of expression. He ventured to investigate and document the art of nomadic Algerian people. From there, Dubuffet expanded his documentation, collection and publication of l’art brut to much more people outside of the academic boundaries, establishing a “museum without walls.” Dubuffet aimed for art that is universally authentic and accessible; writing that “it is the man in the street whom [he] feel[s] closest to, with whom [he] want[s] to make friends and enter into confidence, and is the one [he] want[s] to please and enchant by means of [his] work,” a vision that accompanied his work from the late 1940s to the end of his career in the 1970s.
Shared by Jessica Cai from the Art Appreciation Club.
由 Art Appreciation Club 的 Jessica Cai 分享。
Exhibition of the Week 每周展览
Cosmos Cinema: The Shanghai Biennials
- Date: –
- Location: 上海当代艺术博物馆 PSA
First started in 1996, the Shanghai Biennials are the oldest Biennials of contemporary art in China. Functioning as a place of dialogue and display for artists from around the globe, it includes a main exhibition in the PSA, as well as multiple other portions that span the city.
We have always looked to the night sky to make sense of ourselves, as we might look to a screen onto which the past and the future is projected. Titled "Cosmos Cinema," the 14th Shanghai Biennale will offer visitors a spacetime in which to reflect on the operations of the universe and our place within it. The Greek word from which "cosmos" derives connotes not only the universe but also beauty and harmony; the Chinese term yuzhou(宇宙), connotes infinite time and space, resonating strongly with the cinematic.
"Cosmos Cinema" proposes that contemplations of the cosmos – ancient and modern – might work against the alienation that is endemic to our historical moment: alienation from each other, from nature, and even from time itself. As no part of our world can be separated from the effects of the sun, the moon, and the heavenly bodies, the 14th Shanghai Biennale will suggest that seeking to understand the cosmos might encourage more complex ways of thinking about the ever-more entangled challenges that face the world today.