Daily Bulletin 每日公告

, Friday, Day E

Happy Friday! Thank you for supporting us. If you want to share any content or provide any suggestions, please fill this form.

On This Day 以史为鉴

October 20

Births and Deaths: James Chadwick (b. 1891); Chen Liting (b. 1910); Kamala Harris (b. 1964)

Fetched from Wikipedia.

In the News 时事要闻

Ongoing: Israel–Hamas war; Russian invasion of Ukraine
Recent deaths: Roland Griffiths; Carla Bley; Eric Tweedale; Issam Abdallah; D. J. Gokulakrishnan; Cal Wilson


Fetched from Wikipedia.

Promoted Contents 推广内容

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如果您想要在此推广一个 CCA、学生主导社团或活动,请填写这个问卷

Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴

Breakfast 早餐
Day Kouwei Marco Polo Looping
Fri Steamed Dumpling
Brown Sugar Bun / Rice Roll (Home-made)
红糖发糕 / 上海粢饭团
Tea Egg
Baked Egg with Sausage Toast
Pork and Preserved Vegetable Noodles
Lunch 午餐
Day Kouwei Marco Polo Looping Piazza Vegetarian
Fri Home-made Pork Trotter
Ham, Shrimp and Egg with Crispy Rice
Coq au Vin
Roasted Cauliflower / Snow Bean
烤花菜 / 荷兰豆
Vietnamese Beef Rice-noodle
Spanish Pork Ball Rice
Braised Eggplant with Z-rou / Vegetable / Rice
株肉糜烧茄子 / 米饭 / 蒜蓉生菜

Daily Inspiration 每日灵感

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Quote of the Day 每日引言


Shared anonymously.

Art of the Day 每日艺术

Created by Juan Sarmiento. Shared by Albert Tan.
由 Juan Sarmiento 创作。由 Albert Tan 分享。

The School Inspires 学校灵感

Cartoon of the Week 每周漫画

Cartoon by TwistedDoodles. Posted on New Scientist. Shared by the school.
由 TwistedDoodles 创作。在 New Scientist 发表。由学校分享。

Philosophical Quote of the Week 每周哲学引言

There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.

— Walter Benjamin

Shared by Polemia Club.
由 Polemia Club 分享。

Rather New Notices 较新通知

International Day of the Girl Child 国际女童日

Women and girls can lead us to a fairer future...let us amplify girls’ voices, and recommit to working together to build a world where every girl can lead and thrive.

— António Guterres


— 安东尼奥·古特雷斯

Shared by UN and Bishan.

World Mental Health Day 世界精神卫生日

Everyone, whoever and wherever they are, has a right to the highest attainable standard of mental health. This includes the right to be protected from mental health risks, the right to available, accessible, acceptable, and good quality care, and the right to liberty, independence and inclusion in the community.



— 世卫组织

Shared by WHO and CommunityCenter.

Regular Notices 常规通知

Key Links 重要链接

Package Pick-up 快递领取

From Wellness Center 医务室通知

Uniform and Phone Use Clarification 校服与手机使用政策

From Student Government 学生会通知

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提示:Microsoft 提醒您,当您提交此表单时,即使您选择不输入您的姓名和电子邮件地址,表单所有者仍可以看到这些信息。请自行承担填写表格的风险!

The School Recommends 学校推荐

Aaron Douglas: Artist of the Week 每周艺术家

Dubbed as the "Father of African-American art," Douglas was the leading artist in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s to the 1930s. He was one of the first visual artists who documented African-American experiences, gaining significance in the cultural phenomena of the Great Migration, when black people moved to Northern regions of the U.S. His work portrays oppression but also empowering images of resistance.

Douglas draws upon the then-contemporary styles of Art Deco and Cubism, while also absorbing elements from African and Egyptian traditional art, Douglas manipulated geometric shapes using a uniquely muted, earthly palette. In 1934, he was commissioned to create a series of murals for the New York Public Library, which showcased his mature style. The series, entitled Aspects of Negro Life, consisted of four panels: The Negro In An African Setting, An ldyll of the Deep South, From Slavery Through Reconstruction, and Song of the Towers (pictured). The panels depict chronologically a different era of African-American history, from life in Africa, slavery, emancipation, and the reconstruction era, depicting the strength of African-American leaders alongside imagery of nature.

Shared by Jessica Cai from the Art Appreciation Club.
由 Art Appreciation Club 的 Jessica Cai 分享。