Happy Friday! Thank you for supporting Daily Bulletin. If you want to share any content or provide any suggestions, feel free to fill this form.
Exam Reminders 考试计划
Day | Morning 1 | Morning 2 | Afternoon |
Fri | C4C History + Geography C4C 历史 + 地理 |
History 历史 |
C4C Politics C4C 政治 |
Mon | Chinese 语文 |
Chemistry 化学 |
Biology 生物 |
Tue | English 英语 |
Geography 地理 |
Economics / Business 经济 / 商业 |
Wed | Mathematics 数学 |
Drama / Art 戏剧 / 艺术 |
Physics 物理 |
+ |
Important Events 重要事件
Day | Events |
Fri | Final EE uploaded to ManageBac |
M1 Assessment Week | |
Y12 P1 Grades released to parents | |
+ |
On This Day 以史为鉴
- 645 – Goguryeo–Tang War: Led by Emperor Taizong, the Tang army was forced to abandon a siege of Ansi Fortress.
- 1843 – B'nai B'rith, the world's oldest continually operating Jewish service organization, was founded in New York City.
- 1917 – At least 30,000 people witnessed the Miracle of the Sun in the fields of Cova da Iria near Fátima, Portugal.
- 1961 – Newly elected Burundian prime minister Louis Rwagasore was assassinated by his political rivals.
- 2013 – During the Hindu festival of Navaratri at a temple in Madhya Pradesh, India, rumours about an impending bridge collapse caused a stampede that resulted in 115 deaths.
- 982年 – 在耶律斜轸和韩德让协助下,辽圣宗的母亲萧绰实质掌握辽朝政治权力。
- 1307年 – 法国国王腓力四世下令逮捕各地的圣殿骑士团成员,并强迫后者“承认”异端罪名。
- 1792年 – 位于美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的行政官邸安放奠基石并开始建造,后来被改称为“白宫”。
- 1881年 – 犹太语言学家艾利泽·本-耶胡达在巴勒斯坦推行希伯来语,促成希伯来语复兴运动的发展。
- 2016年 – 泰国历史上统治时间最长的国君普密蓬·阿杜德在曼谷诗里拉吉医院逝世,他成为了世界史上在任时间第二长的国家元首。
Births and Deaths: Robert I, Count of Flanders (d. 1093); Bernard Bosanquet (b. 1877); Thomas White (d. 1957); Rebecca Clarke (d. 1979)
Fetched from Wikipedia.
In the News 时事要闻
- Three earthquakes leave at least 1,000 people dead in Herat, Afghanistan.
- Kelvin Kiptum breaks the men's marathon world record in the Chicago Marathon.
- In motorsport, Max Verstappen wins the Formula One World Championship.
- Israel declares a state of war after Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups launch a series of attacks from the Gaza Strip that has left thousands of people dead.
- 克劳迪娅·戈尔丁因促进大众了解女性劳动市场成果而获得诺贝尔经济学奖。
- 肯尼亚运动员凯尔文·基普图姆在芝加哥马拉松中以2小时35秒的成绩创下世界纪录。
- 美国代表队获得2023年男子排球世界杯冠军。
- 第19届亚洲运动会在中国大陆浙江省杭州市闭幕,东道主中国代表团获得最多面金牌。
- 阿富汗赫拉特省发生Mww 6.3级地震,造成至少2,000人死亡、9,000人受伤。
Ongoing: Russian invasion of Ukraine; War in Sudan
Recent deaths: Reiner Goldberg; Chuck Feeney; Ted Schwinden; Jacqueline Dark; Richard McSpadden; Russ Francis
Fetched from Wikipedia.
Promoted Contents 推广内容
Fill this form to advertise a CCA, a club, or an activity.
如果您想要在此推广一个 CCA、学生主导社团或活动,请填写这个问卷。
- Unlingable: Linguistics club. Contact Tiffany Guo.
- Classics / Latin Club: Authentic Latin for true Ancient Roman nerds. Contact Joey Zhang.
- Safe Spaces for Student Voices: Contact Runxi Yu.
- 无言以对:语言学社团。请联系 Tiffany Guo。
- Classics / Latin Club:是精罗就来学拉丁语!请联系 Joey Zhang。
- Safe Spaces for Student Voices:请联系 Runxi Yu。
Delicious Dinings 今日佳肴
Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | ||||
Fri | Pork with Cabbage Bun 酸菜猪肉包 |
Shandong Pancake (Home-made) / Pumpkin Cake 山东煎饼 / 南瓜饼 |
Boiled Egg 白煮蛋 |
Roasted Tomato 烤番茄 |
Scramble Egg with Onion and Bacon 洋葱培根炒鸡蛋 |
Shanghai Mini Wonton 上海鲜肉小馄饨 |
+ |
Day | Kouwei | Marco Polo | Looping | Piazza | Vegetarian | ||
Fri | Hong Kong Style Braised Duck 港式烧鸭 |
Fried Egg with Tomato 番茄炒鸡蛋 |
American Pork with Balsamic BBQ Sauce 美式熏猪腿肉配黑醋烧烤酱 |
Snow Bean / Sweet Corn 荷兰豆 / 玉米粒 |
Fish Noodle in Tomato Soup 番茄酸汤鱼面 |
Lingrini in Ham and Basil Sauce 意大利火腿扁身面 |
Fried Rice-noodle with Vegetables & Egg 鸡蛋蔬菜炒河粉 |
+ |
Daily Inspiration 每日灵感
We are desperate for your help! Fill this form to share your inspiration in any form. Fill this form to share anonymously.
Quotes of the Day 每日引言
The difference between theory and practice is that in theory there is no difference between theory and practice and in practice there is.
– Robin Koerner
Shared by Runxi Yu.
由 Runxi Yu 分享。
— James Ogram
Shared by Albert Tan.
由 Albert Tan 分享。
— 7 (@Diana905)
Shared anonymously.
The School Inspires 学校灵感
Cartoon of the Week 每周漫画
Shared by the school.
Philosophical Quote of the Week and the Last 每周哲学引言
There's no such thing as neutral education.
— Paulo Freire
Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom.
Shared by Polemia Club.
由 Polemia Club 分享。
Rather New Notices 较新通知
Summary of Last Monthly Health Activity 上月健康活动总结
- The Health Day event held on concluded successfully. We appreciate the support of all participants in creating a positive atmosphere. Your active participation and enthusiasm made the event run smoothly. We feel greatly encouraged and gratified. We hope everyone has experienced fun and enjoyed this activity and will continue to spread the positive impacts of engaging in sports to those around them.
We have three winners:
- Basketball: Y12 Eddy Liu Lin
- Skipping: Y9 Michael Li
- Shuttlecock: Y12 Aimee Ding
- Congratulations to these students! Students who have received a participation ticket should collect their prize at the Wellness Center before .
- 的健康日活动圆满落幕了,非常感谢每一位参与者对此次活动的支持。感谢大家共同营造了一个积极向上的活动氛围。你们的热情和积极参与使得活动顺利进行,我们感到无比欣慰和鼓舞。希望大家也有在活动中收获到了快乐,享受了乐趣,并继续将这些积极的影响带给身边的人。
- 投篮:Y12 刘林晨阳
- 跳绳:Y9 李欣原
- 踢毽子:Y12 丁羽雨
- 拿到参与奖券的同学尽快到医务室领取你的参与奖。(此次活动截止时间为 )
Monthly Health Activity 每月健康活动
- The Power of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Class for Chinese medicine (Auditorium)
- Learn about Chinese herbal medicine and have your pulse checked by an expert (optional) (Auditorium)
- [Staff] Pulse examination (Staff Lounge)
- Those who come to the event can get a small gift ~
- Respect the traditional culture, promote traditional Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, pulse-taking is a crucial technique practitioners use to diagnose illness. By feeling changes in the pulse, they can assess the balance of yin and yang in the body and the functioning of internal organs and identify any disease conditions.
- Would you like to experience the magic of pulse taking? Come to our Health Day on !
- 中医的力量
- 中药大课堂(礼堂)
- 认识中草药及医生问诊把脉(礼堂)
- 员工活动:诊脉(员工休息室)
- 来参与活动的可以领取小礼品~
- 尊重传统文化,弘扬国粹医学。中医把脉,是中医学的核心技术之一,也是中医师用来诊断疾病的重要手段。通过触诊脉搏的变化,中医师不仅能了解人体的阴阳平衡、脏腑功能,还可以判断体内的疾病情况。
- 想要亲自体验中医把脉的神奇之处吗?来参加我们 的健康日活动吧!
Note: WHO recognizes the diversity of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (T&CM) practices across countries of the world and its contribution to health, well-being, people-centred health care and universal health coverage. However, an evidence-based approach is crucial; even if traditional medicines are derived from longstanding practice and are natural, establishing their efficacy and safety through rigorous clinical trials is critical. Any T&CM product or therapy should follow strict protocol and be subjected to tests and clinical trials for quality, efficacy and patient safety. Learn more from WHO.
Knowledge of Earthquake Escape 地震逃脱常识
- When an earthquake hits, we need to make sure that safety comes first. Whether you are at school, home or in a public place, it is useful to have these earthquake safety knowledge. Please check out the Earthquake Safety Poster to learn more.
- 地震来临的时候,我们需要保证安全第一。无论你是在学校,在家还是在公共场所,掌握这些地震安全常识都是非常有用的。请查看地震安全常识海报来学习下吧。
Regular Notices 常规通知
Key Links
- Participate in Daily Bulletin
- This Week Ahead
- Behavior Policy
- Day Students' Handbook
- Timings of a School Day
- Menu This Week
Package Pick-up
- Time: , Tuesday; After , Friday
- Location: Student Life Office
- Please be aware that your package will be checked by SLO staff to ensure safety.
From Wellness Center 医务室通知
- Fire Safety Poster 消防安全知识
- Earthquake Safety Poster 地震常识
- Wellness Center satisfaction survey 医务室满意度调查
Uniform and Phone Use Clarification 校服与手机使用政策
- Students must be in full uniform for all classes.
- Students must leave the boarding house in formal uniform each morning (not PE kit).
- Students can leave PE class and go directly to lunch and then get changed (but must be in formal uniform for the Whole School Assembly).
- Students can leave P6 in the PE kit.
- Students must be in either a formal uniform or PE kit until 7 pm in the evening.
- Mobile phones are not permitted outside the boarding house at any time, including CCAs.
From Student Government 学生会通知
- This is the Student Government Suggestion Box of 2023-2024.
- We encourage everyone to propose any ideas or suggestions you have regarding your life on the Songjiang campus, including food, infrastructure, parties, academics. etc. If possible, please propose 1-2 solutions while raising the advice, this will be very helpful in increasing the speed and possibility of resolving the issue.
- Your name and year group are not required to be filled out in the form, and even if you do fill out your name, it will only be kept to us and will not be reported to the school's officials. It's just for us to reach out to you when we need you to clarify something or when we want to follow up the on suggestion that you proposed. Thank you!
- 链接中是 2023-2024 学年的反馈意见表 / 学生会建议箱。
- 这是一个用于收集大家想法的问卷,欢迎大家在这个问卷里提出你有关校园生活的任何建议(例:饮食、硬件设施、派对、学术)。我们希望大家在提出建议的同时可以给出一到两个你认为可行的解决方案,以便问题更加快速有效的得到解决。
- 此外,名字和年级都是选填选项,就算你填写了自己的名字,你的名字也不会被上报给校方,它仅仅是方便于我们在想跟进问题的时候来联络你。谢谢!
Note: Microsoft reminds you that when you submit this form, the owner of the form will see your name and email address even if you choose not to enter the information. Fill the form at your own risk!
提示:Microsoft 提醒您,当您提交此表单时,即使您选择不输入您的姓名和电子邮件地址,表单所有者仍可以看到这些信息。请自行承担填写表格的风险!
The School Recommends 学校推荐
Article Recommendation of the Week 杂志文章简评
Virtual Tourism: Speculation Concept or Future of Tourism
When it comes to the hottest concept in recent years, the "metaverse" must be the first choice. No matter how the concept of the metaverse will develop and be applied in various aspects in the future, during the pandemic, it seems that some passengers have already boarded the train of the metaverse, opening the prelude to virtual tourism. Virtual tourism can both be unrestricted by region and "travel through time and space". If you achieve the ultimate sense of realism and liveliness, will you come for a virtual tourism?
Since the COVID-19 spread around the world, the tourism industry has been considered as one of the most seriously affected industries. According to the 2022 Tourism Economic Impact Report released by the World Tourism Council, the tourism industry lost 62 million jobs in 2020, leaving only 271 million people employed and losing nearly $4.9 trillion. Its contribution to global GDP decreased by 50.4% year-on-year, and the global economy decreased by 3.3%.
From some perspectives, with the advancement of technology, virtual tourism seems to have great potential for development. For example, the game "Assassin's Creed" uses high-precision city restoration, allowing many people to enjoy many city landscapes around the world in addition to the game, which is enough to confuse the real with the fake. The German National Tourism Administration has launched many immersive VR tourism projects, incorporating VR technology into the Baltic Coast, Neuschwanburg, and Heidelberg Palace. A restaurant called "First Route" in Tokyo, Japan, focuses on the concept of virtual tourism, with "aerial travel on the ground" as the selling point. Sitting in a huge flight simulation cabin, guests can experience the scenes of airplane takeoff, high-altitude flight, landing, and encountering turbulence in the airflow. In just 20 minutes, guests can immerse themselves in the scenery and local customs of their chosen destination. South Korea, Ireland, Japan, Italy and other countries have also moved some tourist attractions online to maintain the popularity of the scenic area, providing one-on-one communication with the audience and giving participants a more immersive feeling.
In order to address the development, breakthroughs, and innovation of traditional tourism in the post-pandemic era, this combination of virtual and real "tourism" approach may be a good option, as it allows us to:
- Remote visit to scenic spots, through virtual reality technology, users can remotely visit scenic spots, historical sites, natural landscapes, etc. as if they were in person.
- Cultural experience, users can learn about the cultures, traditions, and customs of different regions in a virtual environment, thereby enriching their horizons.
- Historical Reviewing: Through virtual tourism, users can revisit historical events and times, such as exploring ancient cities and historical sites.
However, virtuality is ultimately virtual, and the lack of presence and different themes create an insurmountable gap between reality and virtuality. Indulging in the virtual world can disconnect people from real social interactions and deprive them of opportunities to communicate with real society. While affecting their physical health, it can also have an impact on the traditional tourism industry and its related industry chains, such as catering, transportation, entertainment, accommodation, etc.
Although experiencing tourism in a digital way can solve the problems of distance and cost, the sense of experience has always been the core concern of everyone. If virtual tourism VR, as an emerging technology, can become a supplement rather than a substitute for traditional tourism, it is a form of cooperation rather than opposition. The two integrate to create a better tourism environment, bringing tourists a comprehensive and multi-perspective immersive experience.
Published on ISSN 1003-0271 August 2022. Shared by Parents Volunteers of the Library.
Benvenuto Cellini: Artist of the Week 每周艺术家
Cellini was a Florentine goldsmith, sculptor, and writer. His career flourished after the creative climax of the High Renaissance and like many others of his time, Cellini followed the style of Mannerism, which focused not on naturalism but on radical artistic dramatization. His most famous works include Perseus with the Head of Medusa, a more than five-meter-tall sculpture made of sleek bronze; the Saliera, or the Cellini Salt Cellar (pictured), a tabletop sculpture made of delicate hammered gold, partly used to store condiments for the French King.
Perhaps more theatrical than his extravagant artworks is Cellini’s personal life. In his succinctly titled autobiography My Life, the artist writes passionately and fantastically about the spectacles of 16th century Italy. It tells tales occurring in his native Florence, to stories about the courts of Rome and France, where he fled to after murdering his rival. He would later kill at least two more civilians, though never served his sentence due to his excellent art serving the pope, various noblemen, and Francis I, only being imprisoned due to charges of homosexuality. Though his autobiography is infused with egotistical boasts and falsities, it does offer us an exciting glimpse into the violent realities of Renaissance life and the psyche of a violent man who survived it.
Shared by Jessica Cai from the Art Appreciation Club.
Cloud-Native Nomadic: Exhibition of the Week 每周展览
- Date:
- Location: HOW Museum
Featuring five series of works from Wu Ziyang, Cloud-Native Nomadic reflect upon the existing biases and communities of the internet and explores the now and future of the digital age through a series of interactive works. Here, the artwork is a tool of analysis that magnifies, investigates, and becomes a reflection of the everyday back-and-forth interactions that each individual has with the information that they consume.